Product Give Away: $20 gift certificate to Johnny Rockets!

Hello everyone, the last two weeks have been quite busy for me. Therefore, before we talk about my first ever product give away, please let me tell you what I have been up to:
(Note: this is my first blog posting using html code, so please forgive me if some links have strange titles or don’t click correctly, I’m sorry ahead of time.)

Two weeks ago, my interview with Maureen, who runs was published online. She did a great job of articulating exactly what happened during our three hour lunch. I also detailed this meeting a few weeks ago:

Here is the full interview

Maureen is a great person and so is her website, if you are looking for any resources on blindness or visual impairment please check out:

Audio books have always played a big part in my life, whether it might be novels (murder mysteries and humor are my favorite) or textbooks for school. When I was in elementary school, I would listen to them on four track cassettes, but a few years ago they were made available on CD’s. I don’t mean to say that each textbook was recorded onto multiple CD’s; no, the entire textbook would be recorded on one single CD which always was amazing to me. I have always received these accessible textbooks through an excellent company called Learning Ally (formerly known as Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic). To learn more about them, please visit:

Two weeks ago, I was contacted by Learning Ally for an interview on the topic of being a blind food critic in New York City. I believe that the results are outstanding, please read it for yourself and let me know what you think in the comments section.

My final piece of news comes from a website owned by CBS called CBS Local. They created something called The Most Valuable Blogger Awards, where blogs from each major city are nominated in one of several categories. I am very honored to announce that I have been nominated this year in the category of dining and entertainment! I still can’t believe it; I’m happily surprised that they found this blog to be one of the best. At this point, I just want to speak directly with all of you. I hope that you haven’t found this blog posting to be a form of bragging, I am humbled just to be able to communicate with all of you. I truly enjoy what I do, and any feedback, whether it is positive or negative, is rewarding for me. That being said, here is the link to vote for my blog, the Blind Taste Test.

In addition, Maureen from Vision Aware wrote a really nice piece about my nomination.

Now, let’s get to the best part! I have teamed up with a company called Eversave is bringing my readers some great deals and this first give away. Today they are offering $20 worth of burgers and shakes for only $10 at Johnny Rockets on First Avenue! Here is their description of the deal:

– Half off classic burger-joint fare at Johnny Rockets
– Fun and friendly staff, tabletop jukeboxes and 50s diner-style theme
– Seconds (or fifths), anyone? Grab up to 5 additional vouchers for repeat visits!

If you are interested in this deal, please click here.

However, it gets better! One lucky reader will be randomly picked to receive a free $20 gift certificate to Johnny Rockets! To be entered, please do the following:

1. “Like” Eversave New York City on Facebook


2. Follow EversaveNYC on Twitter


3. Comment on the giveaway directly on my blog! Let me know if you checked out Eversave on facebook and/or twitter and what you think of this blog posting. On Monday morning I will announce the winner (although I wish I could give all of you the prize).

Thanks for reading this very long blog. Take care everyone!


p.s. Don’t forget to vote for me!

13 thoughts on “Product Give Away: $20 gift certificate to Johnny Rockets!

  1. Thank you Daniel, I’m so happy I won! Strawberry milkshakes for everybody 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    I messaged you on FaceBook with my email address so I won’t get spammed, please let me know if you don’t get it.

  2. Results time: There are 8 people who commented on my blog, so I used to randomly select the winner.
    The person who has won $20 to Johnny Rockets is…
    Reenie W.! Please leave your email here so I can get in contact with you. Thanks for commenting everyone, and please look out for more give aways in the future. Dan

  3. Thanks Verena and Reenie, I appreciate your feedback. A fellow blogger helped me with the html code and correcting the broken links, please remember to vote every day for the most valuable blogger award and also that this contest ends tonight so spread the word please!

  4. Hi Dan!

    Thanks for the giveaway & congrats on the nomination (I voted for you).

    I follow Eversave on Facebook & I’m glad they introduced me to your blog. I don’t know how you had time for collage & critiquing restaurants, but I’m enjoying going through the archive & reading your unique take on the dining experience (and pretty much your life in general). All the links in this post worked fine for me BTW. I want Chinese food now (which is all your fault lol)…but I’m on the UWS 🙁

  5. Congratulations, Daniel! I’m really glad cool things are happening in your life; no one deserves it more! And thank you for the facebook link to Eversave; they have some good promotions and tips going on. See you tomorrow!

  6. Hello, thank you all for your great comments. The twitter link does not seem to be working for some reason, sorry about that. Please spread the word about the give away and remember that this contest runs until monday. Thanks!

  7. Serious congratulations for your nomination. I am always on Eversave’s Facebook page and looking for their updates in my news feed.

    Awesome giveaway, by the way.

  8. I like Eversave NYC on FB (Sarah Weiss) and follow on Twitter @bitsybitsybitsy.

    I enjoyed your blog post. Learning Ally is a wonderful company, which I have not heard of before but look forward to learning more about it.

  9. This was clever and a smart give away. Though the food is not great at Johnny Rockets. The shakes are pretty amazing. Keep up the good work Mayor!

  10. Dan, so many cool things are happening for and with you! I am still hoping you will eventually venture out into the word of spicy and hot tastes, but I know that might be a long wait. Meanwhile, as the lover of hamburgers that I am, I eagerly await any and all of the burger blogs. How about some Chinese food on the west side?

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